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What are some signs of hunger that come from nursing home abuse?

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2024 | Personal Injury |

Ensuring the well-being of elderly loved ones in nursing homes is a responsibility people must take seriously. While hunger is a common concern for seniors, it becomes particularly alarming when it connects to nursing home abuse.

Recognizing the signs of hunger in residents can help family members and caregivers to see potential instances of neglect.

Weight loss

One of the most noticeable signs of hunger in nursing home residents is weight loss. Sudden and significant changes in weight can indicate a lack of proper nutrition. Family members should closely monitor their loved one’s weight and consult with healthcare professionals if there are concerns.

Changes in behavior

Hunger can also manifest through alterations in behavior. A previously cheerful and engaged resident may become irritable, withdrawn or tired. These behavioral changes can be indicative of malnutrition, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into the care provided at the nursing home.


Some residents may explicitly communicate their hunger through verbal or non-verbal cues. Paying attention to complaints about missed meals, growling stomachs or attempts to access food independently is important. If a resident is consistently expressing hunger, it may be a sign that they have unmet nutritional needs.

Mealtime habits

Observing a resident’s mealtime habits is important in noting their nutritional intake. If a resident consistently leaves a significant portion of their meals untouched, it may suggest underlying issues with the quality or quantity of food provided.

Physical health details

Physical health indicators, such as brittle nails, pale skin or hair loss, may come from malnutrition and inadequate food intake. Regular health assessments can help detect these signs early on and prompt interventions to address the resident’s nutritional needs.

With 15,300 nursing homes in the United States as of 2020, family members and caregivers must stay aware of this issue at all times. By addressing concerns promptly, they can collectively work towards creating a safe and nurturing nursing home environment.