Trusted Legal Advocates Who Work Hard For You

A Serious Brain Injury Requires Skilled Medical Care And Skilled Legal Representation

A brain injury is often one of the most serious and potentially damaging injuries a person can sustain. Not only are brain injuries medically dangerous, but they often also require significant and expensive long-term treatments. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury at a work accident or because of the negligence of another person, you shouldn’t have to bear the cost of recovery alone. At Lerner, Piermont & Riverol, P.A., we are experienced brain injury attorneys in Jersey City.

We are committed to fighting every day for clients who are facing a long road of treatment and rehabilitation, leading to an uncertain future. We can’t heal you physically, but we can help you fight your case to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. We stand up for your rights, staying tough with our adversaries while treating you with compassion and respect.

Don’t Let A Head Trauma Become Your Financial Trauma

Many types of accidents can lead to brain trauma, including:

The damage a person sustains from a brain injury depends on the severity and the type of injury, which can include:

  • Concussion
  • Anoxic brain injury
  • Brain stem injury
  • Intracranial bleeding
  • Nerve cell damage
  • Infection following blunt trauma

A catastrophic injury of this kind can leave you or your loved one home-bound or wheelchair-bound. Because treatment and rehabilitation for a brain injury can be so extensive, long-lasting and expensive, it is crucial that you get an experienced lawyer on your side who can fight to collect every penny of compensation you may be owed for your injuries. Our firm knows how to take on the insurance companies and work with doctors to create an accurate assessment of your prognosis and the required medical treatment.

Suffering a brain injury is difficult enough. Don’t let it also lead to financial ruin. We are compassionate and relentless advocates who can get you the help you need so you can recover to the fullest extent possible.

Give Yourself A Fighting Chance After A Traumatic Brain Injury

Contact our Jersey City, New Jersey, firm to speak with a lawyer who has experience litigating brain injury cases. Call us at 201-653-0405 or use our email form.