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De-escalation strategies and teacher safety

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2021 | Firm News |

Teachers face many risks each day including the possibility of assault from their students. It is more commonplace than many people realize for teachers in New Jersey to deal with tense and potentially dangerous situations in the classroom.

Educators who take the time to learn about various de-escalation tactics may feel more confident confronting challenges in their classroom. Subsequently, with effective response methods, teachers may better protect themselves and the students in their classroom.

Knowing how to respond

Responding to conflict can make anyone uncomfortable, but especially more passive personality types. The long-term impact of classroom violence can disrupt the lives of victims, witnesses and perpetrators. According to EMC Insurance, when dealing with an angry student, teachers should communicate calmly and assertively. One strategy is for teachers to identify agreements within the argument so they can validate the student’s feelings.

Teachers should allow enough space for the student to express emotion without feeling smothered. They should never threaten the student or argue about a threat directed toward them. If a disagreement escalates to the point of danger, teachers should promptly instruct other students to leave and signal for help. Educators should promptly notify the school administration of any potentially threatening circumstances.

Teachers have rights

Schools should provide their teachers with training that identifies effective ways to handle conflict and de-escalate tense situations. They can conduct role-play scenarios to allow teachers the chance to practice their response in a controlled atmosphere. This training can also allow participants to suggest alternative methods they may have found useful in the past.

Teachers should know their rights. State laws vary and could affect the response or outcome of certain classroom situations. According to Bored Teachers, at some point, all teachers will most likely encounter a threatening situation at school. Their ability to respond could determine their ability to stay safe.